Was thinking not to modify them and maybe just do the power supply filter capacitors (where are they?) because they are "survivors" I just dig the period-correct look and the perfect minor patina. Can I replace some bits to improve the sound and keep them as is? The main reason I want to upgrade it to try more power, most of what I read says if you step up the "current", Wilson’s will really sing.@johnwahl
This is a truly bad move when dealing with older electronics!!
**They will not survive long if the filter caps are not replaced (they will eat the power transformer) and they won’t sound right as well.** One of the filter caps is that aluminum
Your speakers are asy to drive and don’t need ’current’ (which can’t exist without voltage, the two together are called ’power’); our local dealer demonstrated your speakers at his store with our M-60s as they made the speakers sound better than any other amps in the store, and the M-60s don’t have a lot of that ’current’, although they easily made power into the Wilsons.
You really need to get your amps refurbished before you send them down the road, or else be alright with the knowledge that you have no idea how they actually sound or how well they play the Wilsons. Its that simple.