Hello oldhvymec. Yours has been probably the best and clearest explanation of all the "advices" I've had. I REALLY thank you for taking the time to explain the bias process.
I've had a similar issue with Cary when my old SLA-70 Signature ran into trouble some years back. They would not supply me with a schematic at all saying it was "obsolete" and they do not keep old schematics. None of this should have happened if they had a bit of honesty and transparency. I'm sure that Dennis Had (?) in his days never had issues like that. It's a shame the company has changed owners. Such is life.
Thanks again for your help. Sincerely, Richard
I've had a similar issue with Cary when my old SLA-70 Signature ran into trouble some years back. They would not supply me with a schematic at all saying it was "obsolete" and they do not keep old schematics. None of this should have happened if they had a bit of honesty and transparency. I'm sure that Dennis Had (?) in his days never had issues like that. It's a shame the company has changed owners. Such is life.
Thanks again for your help. Sincerely, Richard