Bias adjustment

I need to set the bias on my vacuum tube amplifier.  Does anyone know where I can BUY an amp meter that reads milliamps?  Most I have seen are for large AMP applications.
I just had a bit of a tiff also with Cary. I ask for a schematic, hand written, or partial for the hexfred upgrade. Didn’t ask where it goes, or to hold my hand while someone else does it. I asked TWICE. Just ignored the request.

I bought a case of Coca-Cola and called up there head office and requested the formulae and was also ignored.  
+1 @testpilot   at what point does a consumer have a legal or ethical right to a firm's intellectual property just because they purchased a product?
How on earth are you guys measuring bias while running a musical signal? The bias moves up and down continuously while the music playing. It must be idle to measure it accurately.     
@oldhvymec- If you’re interested in doing a HEXFRED update, on a Cary product, PM me.     I can talk you through it.     Did my SLM-100s, without their help.      Virtually, every other component I own, as well.    I also have pics, if we can figure out a way to communicate them.
+1 @testpilot   at what point does a consumer have a legal or ethical right to a firm's intellectual property just because they purchased a product?

When he wants to fix it.. Like I've done for over 50 years. What a dumb thing to say. Is there a repair manual for my 40,000.00 intellectual piece of property setting in my driveway? YES it's required by LAW.. Even a friggin RR provides a complete manuel front to rear on their intellectual property..  Bower, corp. 1-20 million dollar machines, EVERY nut and bolt
location, and where it was bought. Think before you speak, I own the damn thing, I have the right to fix it, especially, if I can do a BETTER job...I am qualified to fix what I know, not what you don't...

Regards Op, rude person no regards