DENAFRIPS Terminator and Schiit Yggdrasil Evaluation and Comparison

The Evaluation and Comparison of my Denafrips Terminator and Schiit Yggdrasil DACs is posted in full, here:

Main body of my 'review' is copied and posted below.

For details on my Methodology, System and Room Information, and Music Selection please go to the second section (similarly titled) after opening the link.

" Well... I bought the Yggdrasil... because all of the reviews said it one of the top 3 dacs at any price, ranking with the best available. And... though skeptical... I was pleasantly surprised... it is, as they say... "on a whole other level".... cont'd..."
Looking for end game level dac, the obvious choice for price point is the yggdrasil.
I owned it and then went with a "Holo Spring" dac after.

R2R is the dac topology of choice for maximum end game sound,
But I have to agree with the review of this thread.

The Terminator IS ABOVE the yggy .
It seems like an impossibility for those that have not heard better, simply because there are none better that I and most have heard.
The Chord and others are simply a different choice.

The Terminator is the only dac I have heard that was noticeably better.
If I were to give a simple idea, I would describe it as being probably  about 15% better, so you must consider if that type of gain is worthy of the expense of upgrading ...

Anyone have the dsp board upgrade for terminator?  I got it and it enhanced the sound significantly.