Cartridge advice

Am looking for new cartridge.  Have a VPI Scout with a JMW Memorial tone arm.  Had an old Grado Sonata that after years of storage, broke in a recent move.  Pre-amp is an ARC sp10.  Listen to classical lps only.  Looking in the $400 - $700 price range.  Suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdmcneilly
Pick up the phone, call Peter Ledermann at Soundsmith.
I would think you would be looking at an Otello
Or maybe a Carmen
Think they are now 25% off so right in your range.

Hi dmcneilly, I was recently gifted a new VPI Traveler with an Othello. I feel it is a really good cartridge and they are currently available slightly under $400 new, (plus I'd like to support Peter right now) So I fully agree with Miller ... I know ...  some like to debate or mock Miller, hey,  lunatics belong here too! 
Get a new Sonata. Give Grado a call and they might give you a trade in discount for your older Sonata!
Get the Carmen. You won't regret the extra expense. It's just better for little additional cost. Retipping is so inexpensive that cost of ownership is less than you think.
For ’12 inch tonearm this "SP" (Special) version is a killer.
XSV/3000SP compliance is 15cu at 10Hz, and this is the only Pickering top of the line cartridge with lowered compliance for modern tonearms, the rest of them are twice as much in compliance. For $400-500 NOS it is a steal! Stereohedron diamond tip (long life for over 1000 hrs). Try vintage MM - they are the best for the money and outperform almost everything twice the price. Higher models (XSV/5000 or low impedance XLZ/4500 and XZL/7500) for lighter tonearms are even better.