Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today

Just wanted to inform the individuals that have shown interest in reading the full review on Stereo Times website, not just the comments on the on-going thread about the 16 amplifier, that it was posted this morning.  It gets into the details why this is a spectacular piece regarding performance, build quality, and it's very reasonable price for what you get for your money.

Damnit Terry, I purchased and have the No. 8 amp on the way but after reading you’re review I’m already jonesing for the 16.
@lancelock, where have you been for the last four months since teajay  started his thread concerning the CODA 16? If you were thinking of purchasing a CODA I would think that you would want to see what the review contained. Not judging mind you🙂.

I have been the proud owner of the CODA CSX since 2015 or so, and a CODA  Pre.
cant go wrong with any of them

I was just kidding around. As nice as the 16 sounds. The No. 8 is more in my price range right now and I don’t think I’m going to be disappointed.