Quick roon question

Currently I run a Bryston bdp2 streamer with a USB SSD attached for storage. My windows laptop controls the Bryston through the Bryston network app.

If I go to Roon would I connect the USB drive to the Bryston or to my laptop?

I passed on Roon for two reasons. First, they do not have a control app that runs on Linux, even though they have server and endpoint software for this OS. My laptop runs on LInux and I use it a lot while listening. Without a control program, that meant I had to pick up my phone or Kindle, get it opened up, go to the Roon program and do whatever I wanted, then return to the laptop. That's a lot of extra steps and a slow process for pausing to answer the phone or just skip a track.

The second issue is Roon doen't support folder browsing and, after using LMS (Logitech Media Server) for well over a decade, I really missed that option. Roon, which is heavily album based, really wants you to look for music THEIR way. I think I was just too set in my ways.

If either of those two features (particularly the first one - a Linux control app) were present, I'd probably have stuck with Roon. I'm still watching to see if they make any changes going forward.
If either of those two features (particularly the first one - a Linux control app) were present, I'd probably have stuck with Roon
Have you looked at the WebControl extension. Appears to do exactly what you are looking for.
Messed with it for a while but was never able to get it running to my satisfaction. It's not an official Roon program but rather something put together by another user.

Not to disrail this thread, I'll just wrap it up this way. LMS works well for the way I choose music. Roon had some glitzy features but to justify $120 a year, it would have had to fire on all cylinders. As noted previously, it didn't.
LMS served me for many many years.  The reason I got off it was the very nice Tidal / local music integration as well as built in DSP capabilities.

I can search for an artist across everything I have and everything Tidal has.  Those two things were more than just glitzy.  The LMS Tidal support was always mediocre at best.