Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer

I went and purchased two more John Coltrane CD’s, "Blue Train" and "Traneing In", in spite of, relative to other artists, having way too many of his albums already. I do love his music and just now counted having forty-eight of his albums, not even including the ones he recorded with Miles Davis.

Is there anyone else out there at least equally nutty, or has more recordings by any single artist, band or composer? If so, who do you like, and how many of their albums have you collected and play? Miles Davis at thirty-three records and CD’s, comes in a not too distant second in my collection.

Hopefully this topic hasn’t been broached before here.

Oh wow, where to start?

 Napalm death
mercyful fate/king diamond.
celtic frost
nuclear assault. MSG

 IM A COLLECTOR, as well as a music lover. !! Thank

satan jokers
. And 500, other bands!

mostnbands I buy, I will get the entire discographies!

im anal!
I love a lot of composers, musicians and genres, but the ones I've built sizable collections of include Bowie, The Byrds, The Doors, Dylan, Beethoven, Mahler, Mozart, Bartok, Emmylou Harris, Elvis Costello, Miles Davis, Genesis, Tchaikovsky, Fritz Wunderlich, Benjamin Britten, The Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, The Vienna Phil, Springsteen, Sinatra, Clapton, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Bruno Walter.  I also got heavily into the 1970's New York Punk/New Wave scene.  I tried my best to see every New York New Wave/Punk band that showed up in L.A. during that period.  I loved the Seattle Bands.  I played in a New Wave band that went absolutely nowhere.  The reason?  We were awful.
The question at hand is, does any one of you have more than 48 albums by any one artist, be it an individual, band or composer. There's got to be someone out there who does, or even might have a larger Coltrane collection.  Now that's a person I'd like to meet.

Edcyn, even though your band might have been awful, I bet you had a lot of fun playing together.

Glad to meet you !   I have over 500 albums of the greatest artist who ever lived , one Johann  Sebastian Bach .