Soundsmith having Issues because of COVID

Don't know if there's any way to help but he posted this on AudioAsylum:

 I WISH I have the luxury of time, but with this virus and its effect on my many employees and my business surviving this, I unfortunately do not. I look forward as I have done for 50 years to help all my customers, no matter what level of cartridge they have bought - many times not even my designs. But time right now is the final frontier for me and my company. Sales are at ZERO and overhead/payroll continues as everyone is sheltered at home. We are in the epicenter. I sent everyone home 8 weeks ago.  

Post removed 

Quote marks wasn’t used here in the sarcastic way by Nandric. Not all people are native English speakers.

Apologies if I sounded snipey.
Nandric maybe needs to rephrase his post, it seemed to be a little accusatory.
If the assumptions are not true then also deductions from this
assumption can't be true. ''Little accusatory '' remind me of this
guy who told to the parents of his girl: ''you daughter is little bit
And some people like to dance around a subject without really saying what they mean.