Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge taken to the next level

After a long pause, my analog was reinstalled 6 weeks ago.
This pause gave me the chance to go to the next level on my Straingauge.
Atm, Straingauge is a great performer, but IMHO it’s let down by it’s cheap and nasty 24V DC wall warts.
Initially I upgraded these to Red Wine Audio Black Lightning battery psu which gave a great upstick in SQ, but at expense of ongoing unreliability.
So 9 months ago I commissioned Peter Downs of Alternative Audio in SW of U.K.,
to make a bespoke psu to the cart.
And after many prototypes the finished version, with specialist transformer, oversized choke and best choice of caps etc, was delivered and installed.
Together with a sister psu to replace the stock one on my Trans Fi Salvation rim drive motor.
6 weeks of burn in, and I’m in Seventh Heaven re the SQ impvts these psus are bringing to the party.
Will report more at next post. But I can’t praise Peter enough in what he’s created, it’s truly taking my analog to the next level.
Craig, there's a little device out there that counts stylus hrs...I should get it.
I play 3 lps/day on average, and am managing about 2.5 yrs at a time on each stylus.
I'm taking more care to clean my records w Degritter US unit,  cleaning stylus, more fastidious cart setup/tracking wt, so looking to last longer w next set of stylii.
Craig, I just run the cart and energiser box...going to the SG preamp made no sense in my system since I was already running my tubed Nat Audio Utopia pre.
Maybe if I'd have been a vinyl-only listener w no preamp, the SG amp would have made sense.
Can't offer any advice on that Q.

SGS6 beats the 5 in every way other than ease of setup. Azimuth critical.
Thanks spiritofmusic!

How do you like the Degritter?  How often do you clean the records?

Years ago, I heard one played by Peter at a show. Still the "BEST" sounding cart to my ears.

I've heard some of the "best" on ridiculous setups. 

It wasn't even mounted to a "super table" Just a VPI HRX(no slouch)
and thru bookshelves, no less.

These SS threads make me jealous....I want one!