Soundsmith having Issues because of COVID

Don't know if there's any way to help but he posted this on AudioAsylum:

 I WISH I have the luxury of time, but with this virus and its effect on my many employees and my business surviving this, I unfortunately do not. I look forward as I have done for 50 years to help all my customers, no matter what level of cartridge they have bought - many times not even my designs. But time right now is the final frontier for me and my company. Sales are at ZERO and overhead/payroll continues as everyone is sheltered at home. We are in the epicenter. I sent everyone home 8 weeks ago.  

Soundsmith offer's a top-notch product with top-notch service and that Sound's Good to me!            Pun Intendrd.
I even love the name...suggests a hands-on manual trade utilising traditional, handed-down artisanal experience and skills
Don't let isolation by COVID-19 ruin your romantic relationship with Soundsmith.
Very English.
Covid-19 situation ruined business almost in every country for everyone, even for self employed like myself. I wish SoundSmith business quick recovery and with support from people like you guy he must be fine sooner or later, where else you can ship your cartridges? SoundSmith product discounted with 25% now, so buy and support if you like this brand so much. But don’t forget that almost every company in this world suffering from this horrible situation. People are dying, until nobody died at SoundSmith i think it’s not so bad. I hope they are safe, the news from NYC is horrible, indeed. But i hope US Economy is strong enough to support business when it’s over. In my country they do not support private individuals and do not support business, everything corrupted and our economy depends on oil prices only, we’re in 1992 again but without hope for a better life and democracy like it was in 1992. I got no penny from our government.

What’s the point of this topic, i did not get it ?

Who is not suffering from covid-19 situation ?
It's not inexpensive. Chuck, you buy that SG, I'll be damn impressed with you!