Turntable platforms

Good morning .   I am looking for suggestions, opinions, and recommendations for a turntable platform for my Transrotor ZET 1?   I have been considering the Synergistic Research Tranquility base, HRS, and Symposium?   Maybe some others?   I would love to get some insight.   Thank you.  
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Here is everyone’s solution
4 curtain rings 
4 racquetballs 
2x3 slab of granite counter top 
1)place rings down in a square
2) put balls in rings
3) place granite slab on racquetballs 
Done! No vibration

Ok, how are you effectively dealing with component vibrations and acoustic rumblings?
It's one thing to curtail vibrations, yet the most important issue is how these vibrations dissipate. There lies the problem.
Apparently we can add racquetballs to the list of things that don't bounce. Right next to the springs that don't bounce. Right, CI?