Turntable platforms

Good morning .   I am looking for suggestions, opinions, and recommendations for a turntable platform for my Transrotor ZET 1?   I have been considering the Synergistic Research Tranquility base, HRS, and Symposium?   Maybe some others?   I would love to get some insight.   Thank you.  
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
It's one thing to curtail vibrations, yet the most important issue is how these vibrations dissipate. There lies the problem.
Apparently we can add racquetballs to the list of things that don't bounce. Right next to the springs that don't bounce. Right, CI?
I can totally vouch for the Stacore Advanced platform. 95kg of slate mass loading/pneumatics/constrained layer damping/ball bearings isolation.
Pricey, but has had a uniquely positive influence in my system.
I've also added a 55kg solid slate stand under the Stacore.
Granite has the inherent advantage of mass and stiffness and sounds great if it is isolated on springs as the top plate of the iso device. Granite cannot ring if it is isolated since the granite cannot be excited by floorborne vibration due to filter effect of mass and springs. airborne vibration cannot excite the granite either since any vibration on the top plate is dissipated by the isolation system. Granite or bluestone of sufficient thickness 2-3” can sound excellent if simply placed in very hard cones. If you’re worried that granite rings don’t strike it while listening to music. There’s not enough energy at it’s Fn to make it ring. The inherent stiffness of granite and bluestone slabs makes them very resistant to bending forces comprised in seismic vibration. 🔄