Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?
artemus_5 ...

My last post wasn’t removed, but it was highly edited. By whom, I haven’t a clue. They did a nice job of it though. *lol* I can’t say that I blame them for the editing, as it was quite heated. No doubt it would have offended the sensibilities of the man-bun crowd who believe that the most appropriate place for a ring these days is through a nostril.

Yes, you’re right ... it is too bad that PPT Total Contact is no more. It really was an amazing product. For those of us who were able to experience it, we are truly grateful. It was a product that really opened up the sound space and improved the natural tonality of instruments. Just like I said with these little dinky Audioengine A2+ speakers residing beside my desktop.

My Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin downloaded podcasts never sounded so natural. It’s like these fellas are in the room. :-)


  • Yikes! What the ding dong?!
What???... I thought you enjoyed humor. 


I didn't think my post was that bad. But its no biggy to me. Someone complained and they removed it.  I prefer politics not be in the audio boards as it adds nothing. But I don't roll over & p;lay dead either. Too much hawk in me i guess. I may message you sometime to talk shop. You may have a better handle on an audio  situation I have 
BTW I got a good laugh at your last comments...

My Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin downloaded podcasts never sounded so natural. It’s like these fellas are in the room. :-)

artemus_5 ...

Please feel free to PM me anytime. 

I agree A'gon is not the place for politics. I find it hard, however, to sit still and just accept the constant snide remarks bashing OUR president. Four years of the constant berating and the total BS is way over the top, and I feel the compulsion to counter it. These guys aren't as clever as they think they are.

Take care ...
