Who's Gone Topless?

The idea of this goes back decades. Amps and preamps (for the most part) are designed on chassis free breadboards, then voiced, THEN are packaged inside a chassis, which can be the weakest link to hearing what the designer intended. In most cases the chassis sidewalls and bottom are essential, but the top?

First off, beware that doing so will likely affect your mfg warranty, but, if you live in a pet-free, child-free home, then the benefits can more than offset concerns about something getting in that could harm the components. Case in point my Ric Schultz Class D EVS 1200, dual mono IcePower 120as2 modules. HOWEVER, unlike others using the same or similar modules, Ric then sprinkles many decades of modifying pixie dust all around them which are mounted inside an understated (sans bling) Italian sourced chassis.

When I ordered mine it was mandatory to purchase 2 Cubes ($200) which are to be butted up against each board, requiring the owner to remove the top. After doing so, I was anxious to put it in my rack so I could properly isolate it from bad vibes, when I should have listened with and without the Cubes and top.

Ric is also a proponent of weighing down components, but due to the unnecessarily large chassis, it barely fit in my rack, but I had a 5 pound divers belt lead weight that I squeezed in. Now, because RIc chose to put the mute toggles on the back I placed the amp on the first shelf from the rack's top (but out of sight out of mind: I never mute it when done listening), upon which was my CD player/Transport, which I raised up to provide ~ 2" of air space above the top of the 1200 and the bottom shelf of the player. Even though the rack is open on all sides with plenty of air space all around the rack, the amp ran warm

Fast Forward to yesterday. I was listening to Leonard Cohen Essential songs, mostly instrumentally sparse. I removed the weight; and found the music much more open sounding. Encouraged, I FINALLY removed the top. Honestly, I was not prepared for how HUGE doing so could be. It was like the music went from a confined space to an open air 3 dimensional venue. This is so amazing that I am going to get a handle on it via different music before removing the Cubes. Oh, and the amp is now cool as can be. 

So, if interested, stay tuned
I didn't bring up Newton and universes but I wasn't going to let misinformation slide.
Yes I posted about this years ago..its somewhere in my history and history repeats itself everyday.. Interfering Energy...it can be in many forms and types. That is what Mike is hearing when he removes the panels on his amps just as I do on my amps..Some of it is EMI and some of it is shear wave interference traveling from panel to panel back into the system. Tom
What part of, "THEORY", don’t you understand?     People have argued theory, since the beginning of what’s called, "Science".    According to the scientist(s), involved in the penning, of the article I submitted, "TODAY (my emphasis), Newton’s law of universal gravitation is a widely accepted theory.     It guides the efforts of scientists in their study of planetary orbits.      Knowing that all objects exert gravitational influences on each other, the small perturbations in a planet’s elliptical motion can be easily explained.      As the planet Jupiter approaches the planet Saturn in its orbit, it tends to deviate from its otherwise smooth path; this deviation, or perturbation, is easily explained when considering the effect of the gravitational pull between Saturn and Jupiter.      Newton’s comparison of the acceleration of the apple to that of the moon led to a surprisingly simple conclusion about the nature of gravity that is woven into the entire universe.     All objects attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to their distance of separation." (end quote)     That’s NOT just my opinion.      That there are other theories, CAN’T prove anything, categorically (even Einstein’s).       The Cosmological Constant, took into account, something that (theoretically) fills the universe.       You’re just twisting in the wind!     I’ll leave the ubiquitous, "last word", to you.
I find mixed results.  In another time, I pushed equipment hard.  Heat was problematic.  Some equipment had been perminately covers disassembled to facilitate opening.  How many of us remember the days fo small fans?  
It is not a big event in human history and a big act of faith to imagine that a slight modification can change the sound in a room....(it is not necessary to invoke Quantum mechanics or Relativity)

If you put 3/8 inch copper cones on 2 strategic locations on a wall you will modify the acoustical image in an audible way...But you will hear it only if your audio system is not too noisy, because perceiving a change is also linked to the way an audio system is already minimally rightly embedded in the one, second or third embeddings dimensions (mechanical, electrical, acoustical)...

If you put off some cover from an amplifier, is it then difficult to imagine a possible felt change in listening? Why not?

Forgetting peculiar electronic designs which are the basis of each part of possible gear, in my experience, what makes the S.Q of any audio system (located in one of the three rungs scale of quality/price ratio, never mind which one) is the way the audio gear is grounded and tuned in the 3 embeddings dimensions: mechanical, electrical, and acoustical....

All arguing about tweaks are only reflections, unbeknownst to those arguing most of the times, revolving around the controlled or non controlled many parameters of these dimensions...

This is my experience, always suggesting and speaking of placebos effects for that is only showing ignorance of what are placebo effects in a medical context and what audio is all about, if by audio we speak about something different than strictly electronic engineering design....

The human ear is designed structurally with a very refine abilities to perceive and to distinguish S.Q. at a level only known by recent science research....


«In the tribunal of living perception Creative imagination is a better judge than dogmatic reason»- Groucho Marx studying Goethe