GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week

I was just informed that Coda's brand new model #16, which is based on the latest generation of improvements used in the #8, will be arriving later this week for review for The Stereo Times website.  Since the reviews I have done on the #8 amplifier and the 07x preamplifier, I have received numerous inquires when I'll get this piece in for review.

This beast of an amplifier, over hundred pounds with one of the largest power supplies in a single chassis design on the market, delivers 100 Class A before it crosses over into A/B. The Coda #8, is in my opinion, one of the best SS amps on the market for under ten grand.  I expect, based on the run Coda is on with their new generation of gear, that the #16 will be a beautiful musical performer.  We shall see! I still find it amazing based on build quality/performance that Coda's prices are so damn reasonable.  Yes, the #16 will retail for around 12K, not inexpensive.  However, I guarantee if this amplifier was manufactured by other high-end American or European companies it would be triple the price. If the #16 takes the already superlative performance of the #8 to another level, it will be truly a "killer" of an amplifier. 

My go to wires are still the Black Cat Coppertones.  However, because of a new DAC I have in for review which is truly balanced, along with the 07x and 16.0 being truly balanced designs also, I'm having great success using different XLR cables in my system.  
what is up with the CODA website?  its been under construction for ever, it seems. 
Hey @teajay you said coda is at pass level and maybe better for less. But isn't the #16 amp about $16k? For that price you can get XA60.8 with cash to spare or 100.8 for maybe a bit more, although dealers have offered it to me for basically that price.