Cartridge alignment with non slotted headshell?

With headshells that don’t allow for alignment, how is this a good choice? Some examples, Yamamoto HS-6, Ortofon lh10000, and many vintage ones I’ve seen. Without a slotted headshell I don’t see a way for rotating the cartridge for zenith adjustment. Also, it will be very difficult to get the the overhang 100%. This also goes for SPU’s in SPU headshells. One reason I think my SPU Royal N is a better choice than in SPU headshell. Am I missing something or are the people using these not caring about proper alignment?
Dear @sdrsdrsdr  @bukanona : Not Ortofon, they only gaves what the people in Japan ask for the 95% of those Ortofon cartridges were sold in Japan in those times: only business. Problem was developed in Japan and that's why Stevenson made what he made it: a stupid alignment. No Stevenson was or is not a stupid gentleman, he did it only what those unknowledge level people were asking for.

Now, please tell me how can you change or make an azimuth correct set up with all those FR7 and other stupid kind of designs?

I was stupid enough to own several of those F7 including the 702. I know what I'm talking about.

Problem with SAEC is not its geometry. Who told you this or from where do you think learned it?. Totally wrong.

Alignment isn't stupid one Rauliruegas, you are ignoring the fact that these cartridges was very low compliance hence tracking wasn't the superior one. So Stevenson was safe approach.
They were low compliance deliberately -  there was no shortage of soft rubber in old days :)

Yes you have some limitations with integrated designs although if it's used on makers tonearm - it's resonances usually are perfect ones. Users had an ability to get a working system. Tweaking in these old days like I am using Denon DL103 on ultralight tonearm and it's very OK for me as it's unipivot wasn't popular. 

I don't know your problems with SAEC but I have managed to get it work with low compliance cartridges so it's OK for me and it's perfect in tracking business so I am happy.