Any Emm LABS DV2 owners who can share what streaming unit they paired with the DV2...Any input will be appreciated...John
At this juncture the Aurender N10 would be my max. Does that budget reflect physiatric help? The NS1, is bridge tech. similar to others...I'm not looking for marginal gains, it would be interesting to A/B N10 VS NS1...
Lalitk, the media info does not interest me either its just about the music...Do you have the EMM REF preamp?
“Do you have the EMM REF preamp?”

Nope, I am currently using Shindo Monbrison preamp. 
The N10 and NS1 are different products.  An alternative to the N10 might be something like the Innuos Zenith MK3 (with Innuos Phoenix) and an alternative to the NS1 would be the dcs Network Bridge.  There are a lot of options out there in the market but those two seem be getting most of the press.  I wouldn't know personally as I'm set with my transport (no streaming), but never say never.
I realize they are different products, just attempting to gauge the sonic differences between the units...Without a listen its just guess work...Have you heard both units? The NS1 performs well...I understand the tech. differences, just curious...Expensive hobby, one learns to research all the aspects before buying the cheese...