MHDT dac...and which streamer/server?

I've been sitting on the fence re streaming for years now, getting splinters you know where Lol.
Time to get off the fence.

So here's my dilemma. I love lp, have a heavily-modded analog rig that serves my 3k lp collection v well.

Critically, I have a special cdp, the Eera Tentation, that after 2 decades of searching for digital to sit happily alongside my tt and not be shown up, target achieved. I love playing my 1.5k cds.

Throw into the mix that I am a real stick in the mud on computers, hate them with a vengeance, w streaming leaving me cold as a personal human activity, I am a hugely reluctant adopter.

Plus, SO many streamer setups I visit just have a "cold" sonic signature, akin to cdps from 80s (which I know is a lot to do w noise and hash associated w how streamed music enters the home).
Only exception being an SGM 2015/Aqua Formula £30k all in.
...and lack of confidence I'll find 00s or 000s of albums to make the foray worthwhile.

Hence, my series of trade offs on streaming, choices, how much to spend, is far and away my biggest challenge in decision making in 22 years in this hobby.

Spend too little (Bluesound Node)...have a sound I'll wear of l/t
Spend too much (SGM, Innuos Statement)...have no cash to spend on lps and cds (yes, I still love cd collectors editions)
Don't spend enough (Innuos Zenith or SGC/Rendu maybe base level to not go below) and streaming is a sonic missed opportunity.

Throw in my "all fingers and thumbs" w using a tablet, and total lack of knowing what, and how much, is out there in my deep genre loves of prog, fusion, electric jazz, avant garde, prog ambient electronica, and there you have my intersecting pressures on a decision.
Although, more and more, I'm confident I'll find at least 250 albums I never would have easily on cd, and deffo not on lp.

Last issue is Roon. To Roon or not to Roon, conflicting advice here too.
So here I am, open to all suggestions.
I could go Bluesound Node. I could go all in one Linn or Lindemann. I could go to Zenith or SGC/Rendu plus commensurate dac like Holo Springs Kitsune.

However, my eye is drawn to MHDT dac as my option. Not a bad word on SQ reported. Indeed users are punch drunk ecstatic on their under $1.5k, if it really isn't embarassed in any way by a 10x pricier Lampi GG, it seems a no brainer. Certainly a big contrast to the Chord Qutest I'm considering.
So at MDHT level, and knowing my reticence on this subject, but not wanting to shortchange myself on the streamer, which to consider?

I could go Chord2go/Hugo all in one.
I could go Stack Audio The Link.
Limetree Network Bridge.
DCS Bridge 
Innuos Zenith.
SGC i7/Rendu.
Obv, can look to save cash here buying used.

Dacs I'm looking at...MHDT Orchid or Pagoda (maybe w BBQ Audio mods), Holo Springs Kitsune, Schiit Yggy w USB update, Chord Qutest or Hugo TT.

Is there a streamer at the affordable end that performs out of it's skin, would be a great complement to the MHDT, easyish to use...and thus at an affordable but performance-led level, get me into streaming affordably...and keep me interested 12 months down the line.

Thanks for bearing w me guys, and the inside of my fevered mind Lol.

Mapman, the phrase "most any good streamer" isn't narrowing things down too much Lol.

I'm sliding twds Innuos Zenith. Have had feedback from Grannyring here that the combination w MHDT really sings. There is good backup in UK. It's RoonCore and Endpoint. It utilises good LPSs. It leaves the avenue of Phoenix USB reclocker for the itch on going further. More than one user feedback online prefers Zenith to SGC/Rendu.

I say that because most devices capable these days are quite good including even most modern commercial devices like smart phones, tablets and other general computing devices. Its the source quality, software used to stream, DAC and overall setup that will make 99% of the difference in most cases I have found, not the hardware.

Features vary widely with streaming devices and the apps you run on them so that is a much bigger consideration than sound quality variations IMHO. Having experienced many streaming devices over teh last 10 years or so, its the features and overall value that drives my streamer decisions these days.

FWIW I still use Logitech Squeeze devices to stream in-house.   Also Amazon, Google and Roku dedicated A/V streaming devices  plus a variety of smartphones, tablets, and other general purpose computers to stream in-house, in car, or even away from home from a variety of sources including Plex, Logitech server and Spotify which is pretty good but not as good as other services that offer high res audio streaming.

My ref system for streaming at home is Logitech Squeeze Touch to mhdt  Paradisea DAC to ARC sp16 pre-amp to BEl CAnto ref1000m monoblocks to Ohm Walsh speakers.
If you use Roon you can assemble a fanless dead quiet Intel NUC for about $700 install ROCK connect USB to DAC and you're all set.
I run Logitech Media Server and Plex servers on  this and also use it concurrently for general computing. Very quiet.

Mini PC Windows 10, Beelink J45 Intel Apollo Lake J4205 Processor 8GB/128GB SSD, Supports 2.5’’ HDD & SSD/4K/Dual HDMI/Dual WiFi/Gigabit Ethernet/Fan
Hard to see going wrong with the Zenith.  I’d consider going with the Audio Mirror Tubadour Mklll SE over MHDT.  @teajay just reviewed it very favorably on Stereo Times, and it replaced the Orchid as his new reference DAC.  Either way I’m sure it’ll sound pretty darn good, and as someone who recently got on the streaming train myself I think you’re gonna be thrilled with all the new music you’re about to discover.  I’ve never had more fun as an audiophile.  Best of luck.