Anyone heard Underwood level1 3910 mod?

Has anyone heard the underwood mods? I am looking at getting a 3910 modded but I don't have another 2K to spend on a API etc. Underwood says $650.00 for their work.

As far as reaching HRAM for info call Mike at 777-433-9434
he will be glad to take to you about what mods he is offering on the 3910
I would love to hear from somebody that has actually sent in their 3910 and was familiar with the "before" so that they could compare the "after."

I was thinking about getting the "Ultimate" but before I jump in and spend $2700 to tweak my existing 3910 I wanted to ask around a little.

I can't speak to the Mods, but I've bought several pieces of equipment from Wally and can vouch for him as a great guy to deal with. Also, check out Six, I think they have a number of reviews of Wally's modded products.
I am currently evaluating the 3910 mod. I purchased the Ultimate and sent Parts Connexion my 3910. I have finally let the unit burn in for 200 hours as Wally recommended. So far I am disappointed. The upper bass is overly pronounced and the overall sound isn't open. Vocals never come alive - low level detail seems obscured maybe because of the overly warm upper bass. I am AB-ing the unit with a Benchmark DAC-1. I will say that I don't remember the Benchmark sounding as good as it does now. The mod replaces the clock which Wally claims improves the digital out. I believe that has made a large difference. I have ordered some NOS Mullard 6922 tubes which I'm going to try in the unit next week.