Subwoofer advice sought

I have a pair of Totem Forest Signature driven by a 100 wpc Unison Research Due amplifier. It has loads of power to power these speakers and has a subwoofer output. I have a medium sized room.

My local hi fi dealer said I would get better sound with the addition of a subwoofer with the results being better midrange and sound staging as well as better bass.  How is this possible?

The 2 subwoofers I am looking at are the Totem Storm and The REL T/7i. My dealer sells the REL and says it  would be a good match for the Totem speakers as it is very quick and tuneful.  Can anyone explain why a subwoofer would make these differences to the sound?  I also would be interested to hear from anyone with experience with these specific subwoofers or pairing a subwoofer with Totem Forests. Thanks.
@big_greg  You're exactly right...the bass is traveling throughout the venue even if it's originating from one side of the stage.  This is the effect of the venue or the room.  What you are experiencing is the room effect on bass.  They aren't creating it at the concert by putting bass signals in an array throughout.  You have a room as well that you listen to music within.  Look, I totally understand why a DBA would work and help counter the effects of uneven bass distribution in your room.  My point is that this technique is dealing with room acoustics and the whole point isn't to place the listener inside or "enveloped" within the soundstage. But like everything else, just pick what you enjoy listening to most and the way you enjoy it implemented most.  There is no wrong way.  
@three_easy_payments We're in total agreement that there's more than one way to get good bass and that different people will enjoy different things.  I've enjoyed good bass in my system with no subwoofers.  I have three other systems that all have one subwoofer.  One of the best systems I've heard had two subwoofers.

Using four subwoofers, I don't feel like the bass is enveloping in a surround sound way.  The soundstage is still very well defined, perhaps even better defined.  The performers are there in front of me, including the bass player.  If I'm listening to Yes for example, I can tell exactly where Chris Squire's bass is coming from.  It's not in surround sound, it's coming from a specific spot on the stage in front of me.  The sound fills my room though in a way that is the closest thing I've felt to live music in my system.  And yes, I enjoy it very much.

I'm not sure my words are adequate to describe the distinction between the surround type "3-D" listening experience you seem to think is created and what I experience.  Have you experienced a system with multiple subwoofers? 
@big_greg  I have not heard a DBA system and I was really commenting on the first response to the post stating:

Low bass improves the sense of envelopement, feeling like you are in the soundstage instead of it being just in front of you.

I think DBA is probably a good way to combat room nodes and help distribute bass evenly.  Good to hear it doesn't envelope you and place you inside the sound stage which would be an unnatural presentation in my view. I would like to check it out sometime, although it would been completely impractical to integrate into my mainly listening space which isn't dedicated to listening - it's my living room.  Life's a balancing act of priorities ;-)
@three_easy_payments If you're ever in the area and we don't have to worry about killing each other by sitting in the same room I'd be happy to let you listen. My system is in my living room. It's not ideal, but it works. 
@big_greg I have not heard a DBA system and I was really commenting on the first response to the post stating:

Low bass improves the sense of envelopement, feeling like you are in the soundstage instead of it being just in front of you.

I think DBA is probably a good way to combat room nodes and help distribute bass evenly. Good to hear it doesn't envelope you and place you inside the sound stage which would be an unnatural presentation in my view. I would like to check it out sometime, although it would been completely impractical to integrate into my mainly listening space which isn't dedicated to listening - it's my living room. Life's a balancing act of priorities ;-)

That first response was of course me. There's people here for whom no amount of explanation or clarification will ever be enough but since you've muddied it up misinterpreting me yet again I might as well try. 

"Low bass improves the sense of envelopment, feeling like you are in the soundstage instead of it being just in front of you." In hindsight for those short on imagination it might have been better to have said recording venue instead of soundstage. 

Because it seems you've misconstrued me to having said DBA makes it feel like the instruments and singers are way off to your left and right and behind you like some quadrophenia acid trip. When all I really said was it increases your sense of envelopment. 

Which you will know when you hear one, and I would be happy to demonstrate, if we don't have to worry about killing each other being in the same room. Relax you will be perfectly safe. I'm BLS certified which will come in handy when you pass out from the shock of realizing I actually know what I'm talking about.