Unusual(?) spade connection

Hi everyone,

I have seen some speaker cable spade connections on the amp side where one prong of the spade is inserted into the post hole rather than how it should be placed, where you would insert bare wire.  

The old MIT2 biwire cable I have has spades that are too narrow for the posts on my Hegel and Ampzilla monoblocks. I have never had biwire fitted speakers until obtaining a pair of B&W Matrix 801 S2s and would like to "get the whole experience".

I can fit one prong of the MIT2 cable in each of the amp post holes. But I didn't tighten the post cap(?) in fear of bending or breaking anything.

It just seemed rather strange but if there are no reasons against doing this, I could save a lot of time and expense by not needing to purchase cables (or modify the MIT2s).

Is this a bad idea?

Thanks and stay safe everyone!
@ millercarbon - Good to know the spade thing will work.
Why is bi-wire a bad idea?

Not so much bad as poor use of funds. If you have bi-wire use it. Where it becomes a bad idea is going bi-wire. For any given amount of money you can always get better results buying a normal cable than bi-wire. So use it if you have it but don't buy it thinking its better. Its not.

@tvad - Thanks for the info! I feel better about doing this now.

@millercarbon - Ok. That does make sense!  Once again, thanks for your input!  I'll try with the MIT2s for a while, experiment with cable elevators, speaker placement etc. 

@lowrider57  - You mentioned:  You may find doubling the biwire cable to one speaker binding post will provide the best sound.

Interesting. I guess I should plan on spades vs banana plugs.
Thanks for pointing this out! 
I will try doubling as you suggested.
Try both ways since you already have the biwires. My point is you'll have a heavier gauge cable if you double it.

Bi-wire and shotgun were the first two things I tried that convinced me to look deeper into wire. This was decades ago, back when I was using ordinary hookup wire. So it cost next to nothing to try. (Even then I was so cheap- did I really want to cut 15 ft of wire off the roll to try this unlikely idea out? Lol! Seriously!) To this day I still recommend trying the easiest/simplest/cheapest thing first just to see if it works. If the idea has any merit at all then you should be able to hear it regardless of how well its done.

But this is merely the first step. Then once you know the next is to figure out what is the best way to go about it. So once I knew cables really could make a difference the next thing was to figure out just how much and what is the best value way to go about it. In other words what you are doing, trying elevators and all these different things. 

If you keep going like this, trying a lot of different things, listening close as you can for all the differences, noticing which are better and in what way and by how much, you will very soon be looking back in wonder at how much progress you have made. This is roughly somewhere between a thousand and a million times better than read/talk/buy.