12 years or 18 years?

Your experiences please..
When I listen to my state of the art 2.1  Bose tube amp system, I drink a 12 year old single malt whiskey. The sound is warm and smooth. When I switch to an 18 year old single malt, the sound is smokey and woody.
Your thoughts and recommendations on a warm  and  smooth 18 year old single malt whiskey.
TIA for entertaining my question. Stay Healthy and long live HiFi!

You made my day with this recommendation, the music is right up my alley. I will share with others and keep it coming, for this evening, I have a bottle of Gold Cast Bushmill  to gargle with.

Thank you

Your Spanish vodka Bloody Mary inspired Spanish Mary.
I don't give health advice to grown Hifi buying men and women!

Life is good for me! Now Imagine if you only heard good news for 24 hours...

Thank you