Another streaming newbie

Guys, I have tried to search and figure this out, because I know this topic has been well-covered. But I am still wandering in the dark, so plz forgive my redundant questions....

First, here's my current rig,: I built a Lenco table 15 yrs ago with a JMW 10 arm/London Super Gold that I run into a phono pre that I built from a pretty high end kit  (can't see the name, have no idea what it is now!) thru a VTL tube IT-85 integrated amp and then thru some SF Electa Amator II, supported by a sub I built.  So pretty mid-fi setup, but it really works for me.  Sounds great, to my ears.  

The Covid thing has me home (no golf in Los Angeles!), listening to music more. Would love to stream something that approaches the vinyl sound quality with a music service, but being retired, budget is more a concern now... I just subscribed to TIDAL with its premium level (MQA) that I was running straight from my iphone 6 to the VTL. Meh.  Then my daughter ran same stuff through her iphone 11 and, hey, that sounded better.  So, clearly, I am in need of a streaming DAC.  

I know MQA gets mixed reviews. I have no way really to test this or to go listen to stuff. Everything is shut down here. So here's the criteria that matters most to me:
  • A great UI app because now streaming is like going to the Smithsonian.  There's a lot to organize. 
  • Great sound. (whatever that means!) 
  • One box.  Cables get expensive & messy.  
  • I'd like to keep it under $2K. I'd really like to keep it under $1K, but that may be wishful thinking.  I mean, is Bluesound Node 2 up to it? I am sure it would beat my daughters iphone 11, but ... what are reasonable streamers/DACS?  Where's the killer solution that isn't $10K?  I know it's out there....
I am not so far into TIDAL that I can't change. My system is in the same room as my router, so I can run an ethernet cable to the DAC.  As I have looked at all of this, it has occurred to me to get an older, much higher quality used DAC that I can somehow mesh with TIDAL (or another service with high quality streaming) and forget the MQA.  But this has to somehow hook into my internet directly and be able to be run by a remote UI.  So now my head is spinning.

Thanks for your input.  Chuck
I had a Node2i and I thought it worked very well with an external DAC. The DAC in the Node2i measures lousy and to me didn't sound all that great. I have been assembling computers for years since old 386 processors and when I read Roon could run on a put it together yourself NUC that's  the route I took. I wasn't  going to spend a couple thousand on a Nucleus especially when the Roon OS is free. I also put together a raspberry pi4 running Ropiee as an endpoint and connect it by USB to my integrated amp. I would rather run the Roon OS called ROCK than a regular computer since the OS is optimized for Roon and music playback. There is no GUI you configure it through a web base interface and it runs headless. If you decide on Roon that's the route I would go if I wasn't intimidated putting a few components together. 
From what I have read on the referenced thread below the Teac NT-505 seems to have its share of quality problems at this time.  I would consider waiting until the bugs are worked out before purchasing one.

I use Amazon Music HD. Been using since it started late last year and happy with it. Seems like they've been increasing their library of hi-res music. Have a family plan so everyone can use on their phones. Wife is happy she can find Italian and Russian music she likes and have a kids playlist with disney songs.  

Went through similar experience you're having. Started by picking a music service. First priority was had to be hi-res, was aware of only Tidal, Qobuz, and Amazon Music HD.

Second criteria was music availability. Searched through their libraries for different genres/styles I liked. Tidal and Qobuz were lacking some music I liked but Amazon had almost everything so went with Amazon.  

I ended there but next step would have been to do free trials to evaluate software usability/functionality.

After picking music service started looking for compatible streamer. My big gripe with Amazon is not many streamers support it and the ones that do like Bluesound, to my understanding, don't have full functionality for things like editing playlists. So I never bought a streamer. Currently using a Topping D50s DAC which has a built-in hi-res bluetooth receiver (Apt-x HD), and I'm happy enough with this setup (my phone also supports hi-res bluetooth). Will use this till a streamer I like comes out and connect that to my DAC, but in no rush.

Ok, wild question, breaking all my rules. Chewing on Schitt Yggdrasil GS DAC (older analog card, can be upgraded later) + Allo Digione Signature Player.  Thinking being the player is a placeholder to honor my budget and players/streamers are where things are really dynamic.  The GS doesn't do MQA and other stuff, but what it does do, it does very well.  

It this nuts?  
Both the Yggy and the Allo are well reviewed pieces with strong followings and reputation for good value for the money quotients.  I have no hands on experience with either.  My question is what do you intend to do for the OS for the Allo .... Volumio ... Roon ... Other?   What is your roadmap for where you want to go?  Once you got that figured out and what fits into your budget, then everything else falls into place.