Yet another Integrated vs Separates advice post

Hey Audiogon! Help me spend my money.

I've recently upgraded my speakers and analog rig and it now has me wondering if I could be getting more out of my amplification section. I've had a trusty Hegel H200 integrated amp for about 6 years and it's to its testament that until now I haven't thought about upgrading it. But the upgraditis is getting to me, especially after my analog section has taken me into a different tier on the source side.

My questions:

If my goal is to move into the "reference" quality tier (and by that I guess I mean, at least providing a sniff of the creme de la creme; Stereophile Class A-quality for lack of a better way to put it), should I take this opportunity to move back into separates? 

Second question: if my budget is around $7k, what should I consider that would be a significant upgrade over the giant-killing Hegel? Some components I'm considering:

For separates, PS Audio BHK preamp + PS Audio Stellar Monoblocks (though I'm hesitant about class D amps)
For integrated, Aesthetix Mimas, or a Luxman integrated
Someone in the running: integrateds from Krell, Mark Levinson, and Ayre

My requirements: my rack limits me to standard-sized 17"-wide components. I need at least 2 balanced inputs unless there's a built-in DAC. I mainly seek a "warm" tonality with rich midrange, and greatly value components that image exceptionally well.

My system: Hegel H200, Doge 7 DAC, Avid Volvere turntable, PS Audio Stellar phono preamp, Egglestonworks Emma speaker
You might want to try the new Hegel H390 ( 250 wpc @ $6k) Same electronics as the H590 (300 wpc @ $15k). Many reviews favorably compare these integrated amps to reference separates. I have the H390 and I want to be buried with it.
When you go separate you then need another power cord and interconnect and another shelf and more vib/iso devices, so IMHO you will NOT NECESSARILY achieve your goal

PSA M700s are very good value, but did not compare to my RIc Schultz EVS1200 (alas he is in a holding pattern making more), BUT, Emerald Physics is about to introduce their Voyager GaN amp: GaN is said to be the next evolution in class D. I am in high anticipation to compare the Voyager to my 1200

Should you go to EP check out their awesome deal on W4S integrateds: both the amp and preamp have gotten excellent reviews

Short of these, consider a significant interconnect and power cord upgrade (WireWorld series 7 or 8) and/or Core Power 1800 power conditioner and Deep Core
Four integrated amps that will have you not wanting more although several are out of budget.
ML 585
ML 585.5
Agostino Progression integrated amp
Luxman 509x
Dartzeel CTH 8550
Jeff Rowland(?)

Take one of these with a very good interconnect pair and power cord. Within their power range I believe that it would be impossible to determine that equivalent separates sound better. IMHO
Another vote for the Aesthetix Mimas which is right at your $7K budget. It’s the most musically satisfying integrated that I have ever heard.

I would suggest that you need to hear it with your speakers though, It sounds great with my Harbeth Super HL5+’s and with the Vandersteen Treo CT’s. These are the only speakers that I have heard it with so I cannot say how it will sound with your Eggleston’s.

A home audition will help you be certain that it’s the right one for you. Good Luck!
Going from the h100/h200 to the h300/h360 or even the h390 is not “just” a sideways move, it’s a night and day difference especially if you need the extra power, or the dac. If you can get a h300 for around $2000 or a h360 for around $2500, you would be hard pressed to find something better for anywhere near those prices.
i liked the hegel integrated amps that I owned, but I went separates and there is a big difference in sq but at a more lofty price