Rega, Totem, or KEF bookshelf speakers?

In an earlier forum I asked about converting a 10x10 room into a listening room. My concern was whether or not it would be too small. After reading the responses—thanks to everyone who made suggestions, including those who had me spending well beyond my hoped-for budget!—I've gained confidence to move forward. Now for the speakers. I've narrowed my choice (for the moment, of course) to three: the KEF LS50, the choice of several respondents in the first forum; the Rega RX1; and the Totem Rainmaker. All are in my price range and, though the Totem are only available used, they can be found. 

As I'm new to audio, I've not heard any of these speakers. Reviews read, yes, suggestions from friends and more experienced listeners, yes; but no first-hand experience, and in our current circumstances, hearing anything in a shop isn't likely. So I'd be glad to hear from those who have heard these.

My power source will be modest, an integrated amp between 50-75w (NAD C 320BEE or Luxman R-115 receiver in the house right now; maybe the Rega Brio or something similar in the future), and I'll only be playing vinyl. A Rega P3 is my TT. The thought of an all-Rega room is attractive, if the RX 1's are a good choice. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Given the characteristics of those speakers and factoring in limited power I’d highly recommend the Silverline Minuet Supreme Plus that can be had $699/pr. new.  Best of luck. 
I have the REGA R1s and the RX1s in my “C” and “B” systems respectively . both are great , with the RX1s rising on top.

The Rega R1 Loudspeaker - A New Budget Reference

“ ....  The RR125 is an outstanding mid/bass driver, sonically and musically right in line with the midrange performance of Rega’s amplifiers and phono cartridges. Get the midrange right and everything else will fall into place. Get it wrong, and all the king’s horses…

the Rega R1 becomes my new budget reference speaker. In addition of its ability to get the fundamentals of music right, it adds clarity and resolution, and an ability to lay out a vivid and coherent 3-dimensional stereo image. In small room applications, what more could you want? ...”


“ ... The RX1 pitches into a competitive sector of the loudspeaker market, but Ed Selley thinks it has what it takes to succeed...
... Where it stands out is the effortless sense of joy that it brings to any music... And what is absolutely crucial is that it has very few obvious flaws. It manages to deliver a performance that balances a genuine sense of realism and accuracy with an energy and joy that makes it a very rewarding partner across a huge selection of music. ...”

Highly recommended. Worth the audition.
note; the RX1s will need a 150 hr breaking period .

I have had rega rs5, ls50, and i still have totem hawk.
In a 10x10 (I hope acoustically treated), I would go with totem /and/or LS50.   Maybe LS50 1st, and then Totem.  I would get both.