Preamp with Phono $3-5k range

I know this has been posted many times before but why not add another one to the list.

I'm looking for a new Preamp with a Phono stage or possibly separate Pre and Phono. I'd like to not limit myself to future upgrades throughout my system as well. I'd like the ability to use a MC cart in the future and maybe step up to Balanced I/Cs too.

My current system is as follows:

  • Clearaudio Concept w/Concept MM Cart
  • Oppo 105
  • McIntosh MR7084 Tuner


  • Parasound Halo P5


  • Carver TFM-35x fully refurbished and upgraded


  • Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8

Everything in my system I like but I know my Pre is the weak link and it's time for an upgrade. I've not listened to anything better in my system and I'm open to suggestions across both SS and Tube platforms.

Some other things to point out is I'm already using high quality Audioquest I/Cs, Power Cords, Speaker Cables and don't want to change those right now.


There are many unique features that you can benefit from with this preamp. With a MM & MC Phono stage that can be run in pure analog mode without any digital filtering and has fully adjustable and customizable RIAA Curves with Rumble Filter for any pre 1975 albums you may have, to full App Control if hooked to your WiFi network, truly balanced input and output stage with the ability to hook up dual subwoofers and run them in stereo or mono, and our latest Anthem Room Correction Genesis Software, you can measure your room and see exactly where the peaks and null points are allowing you to tailor the sound of your system to be as if you have tubes. Or, simply let it correct only for your room anomalies.

The flexibility with this piece is almost endless. You can also assign and label multiple “Virtual” inputs for sources to have an extremely customizable experience. Have multiple moving coil phono inputs setup with your single turntable to have your system run and play your albums any way you choose.
You also have the ability to play full high resolution with a 32 Bit 384kHz Asynchronous USB DAC built in.

Hook your cable box and Blu-ray player up digitally and enjoy your favorite TV shows and movies in an upconverted wonderful stereo experience.

It’s on sale now till May 31, 2020.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions and you can find your closest Dealer through our Locator on the website.

Thank you for your time and good luck in your search!
Balanced isn’t stepping up. Balanced is stepping sideways, at greater cost. Same goes for separates. Your budget for example will buy you a truly awesome sounding integrated with something like a Raven Nighthawk for around $3k, and another absolute giant killer phono stage in the Herron VTPH2A for about another $3k.

Seems at first glance these are over budget. But you sell your pre and power and eliminate the power cord and IC you no longer need because you no longer have separates.

These will be a monster unbelievable huge upgrade, do everything you want, and net out in budget or if you go over, well worth it as they will be the foundation of your system for years to come.

I have the Herron. The Raven is a better version of my Melody.
Great audio is really should always sell everything you have and buy a Herron phono and Raven integrated.  Why do people make this so complicated?