Opinions on the current market

I’ve been reading extensively, trying to narrow down the best option for a tube pre to add to my system. The nature of the hobby is such that I expect to try a few different options, so I’m curious about people’s opinions on the market right now. Figuring I’ll have to resell whatever i try, I’d like to ‘buy right’ now. I’m not by nature an equipment flipper, but there are just too many possible options to expect to get it right first time. Anyone else looking at prices now, with informed opinions of whether the market is good or not for a buyer?
I would rather be holding US Dollars right now over any other world paper currency. Just look at the USD outperform every world currency since the beginning of the year as the demand for dollars is running off the charts. This being fueled in part by fears of Europe cancelling its currency and the IMF even talking about launching a program to address the global shortage of dollars! The fact that the IMF is talking about providing a backup to the Fed’s campaign to help Central banks but creating a repo market for them to get dollars shows just how incredible the shortage of US dollars is. Yep, give me US dollars any day in our current environment.  This could create a great buying opportunity for US consumers to purchase audio gear for example being sold in Europe in the near future.
@english210 I struggled with that too. But the non-remote version is a different design and multiple people convinced me that non-remote is the way to go. Since I'm streaming a lot, I have control over that volume, so it's not a big hassle.

Here's what I wound up with, much during the last couple months:

  • SALK SS 6M — these are being built (well, after the shutdown is lifted) and then I’ll TRY them for 30 days to see if they work. Others are being considered. Opinions are welcome.
  • Sub: REL 328 
  • QS Linestage
  • QS Monos amp
  • CD transport: Cambridge CXC
  • Streamer: Bluesound Node 2i
  • DAC IT (peachtree) — older; just to tide me over
  • DAC ORCHID — this is my keeper


  • optical Toslink: for CD player
  • interconnect 1 coaxial digital: Analysis Plus Crystal Digital & Audioquest Forest
  • interconnects analog RCA: Analysis Plus Copper Oval
  • Power for sources and amps: Pangea Audio AC 9 & 14 SE MKII
  • Analysis Plus Oval 12 speaker cables


  • Conditioner: Panamax 1500

And since this thread is about saving $, here is what I saved via sales or used off list price:

  • Cables: 44%
  • Sources: 21%
  • Speakers: 16% (just off the REL sub)
  • Amplification: 17%
  • Power: 80%

OVERALL system savings: 24%
Do I know how much to attribute to Covid/current market forces? No, I don't. Maybe people shopping carefully do this all the time. 
Wow, you have been busy! I can’t claim any knowledge/opinions on any of that gear, except by reputation. I’m glad to see you’ve got the hard work (mostly) behind you, so you get off the computer and in the listening chair - hope yo u got a comfy one :)
Andreas Capellanus and Hole.  Little-known bunch of troubadours who made a few great albums.
To the OPs original point, I would suggest used McIntosh equipment holds is value.  I have a C220 pre amp I bought 12 years ago that I could sell for more than what I paid.  I know there are many views of McIntosh, but they hold there better than virtually all used gear, without question.