streaming source

looking for help choosing between TIDAL and QOBOZ
I tried Tidal for a few months...  I honestly thought MQA sounded like crap...  The regular HiFi was not so bad...  It is broken small signal SQ...  Tried Qobuz and thought it has superior SQ...  After many months with Qobuz I am very happy with the titles and SQ of all their offerings...
I have both mainly for variety and selection, but if I had to choose only one it would be Qobuz. I generally prefer the sound of Qobuz 
hi-res over Tidal MQA.
After several years with Tidal i tried Qobuz on a free trial and switched to Qobuz for SQ. I used them both with Roon and consider it an essential part of the UI experince.
I would like to complement everyone who has responded to this thread. Usually you have put up with a lot of &%+?*. Audiophiles sharing valid  opinions and experiences is what this forum should be about!