Best DAC for SONY SCD XA5400es

Looking for recommendation as to which DAC would pair best with my SONY SCD XA5400es CD player.  I want to use SPDIF coax output to the DAC.  The rest of my system is McIntosh MA7000 integrated and B&W 802Diamonds.  I am not looking for preamp function in the DAC.  Price range $2-3k.  How would Benchmark DAC 3 B sound?

I've been enjoying my Sony XA5400es through my Mytek Brooklyn, the two connected optically.  Of course, the Mytek can only decode regular CD layers.  The SACD feed must go, old school, out of the Sony and into my integrated amp.  And I gotta say that, yes, the Mytek gives me better CD fidelity.
The Sony can also output DSD over HDMI.  If you have a DAC that has an HDMI input, then you are getting DSD.  For that reason I recommend the Bryston DAC3.


i have a Sony XA5400es, excellent CD player ++++++

I also have Esoteric SA10 and Arcam CDS50

3 excellent CD players

but I don’t use external DAC

sorry for the bad english translated

greetings from Portugal
