The quest for sound vs. music

 The quest for perfect sound Is so voracious that it devours the enjoyment of music.  
After you’ve reached a point where you can enjoy music on your system, no more tweaks are necessary. Any further improvements are superfluous.  The problem Is, if Hifi is your hobby you want to actively involve yourself in it.  You can’t sit back and leave it alone.  If you stop twiddling with it, it ceases to be an active hobby. That’s where the contradiction is.  The enjoyment of music ceases to be the goal.  The “hobby” predominates.
If you can listen for the music, everything falls into place.  The work you’ve done assembling your system has paid off and you can revel in how beautiful the music is.

But, your hobby is over.
You can always move on to obsessing over collecting as many quality vinyl records as possible ;-) My balance between gear and music is shifting in that direction.
I would have to agree with three easy here.
i am very happy with my system right now to the point that I am now replacing some older records with better examples and even mofi recordings.
listening to John Klemmer as I type this and feel the need to change nothing.....