New TT for ~$1500

My birthday is coming up and I will be asking for a *new* TT. Budget is up to $1500, but preferably closer to $1k. I would be comfortable pitching in another few hundred $$$ for a good cartridge if I get a table without one. Was thinking:
Rega P3, maybe P6 if I really stretch the budget (that'd be over my $1500 mark)

MoFi StudioDeck
Clearaudio Concept (I have a lead on a lightly used one with low hours, bundled with an Artist V2 cart, but might make gift giving awk)

Pro-Ject X2 w/ Sumiko Moonstone

Any thoughts?


what part of Russia are you from?  I ask because 5 years ago, my wife and I were in St. Petersburg for a week.  I was drooling over the architecture and the beautiful women. In all my travels, I have never seen so many beautiful women as I did in St. Petersburg. Everyone was so friendly, what a beautiful country.  A Facebook friend and his wife from Moscow, flew out To meet my wife and I.  They both spoke English well and they showed us all the sights, one of the best vacations we ever took!  We even went to a real Russian Tea Room. The statues of Peter The Great were quite impressive as well. 
@stereo5 Haha, it's true. St.Petersburg is my home town.

To refresh your memory you have to watch this, because from this point of view the architecture of St.Petersburg is even better,sadly we can't fly like birds.  
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