A couple of caveats. I had (still have) a similar situation. I have a pair of tubed mono block amps that I use for serious listening and a SS amp which I keep as a backup or use when I just want some background music on but don't want to put hours on my tube amps. Both are connected through a Beresford switch box to my single pair of speakers. When I want to swap amps or do an A-B comparison, its simply a matter of throwing the switches on the Beresford. DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH A SPEAKER SELECTION SWITCH BOX. The Beresford is specifically designed for the exact purpose of swapping amps to a single speaker load. Also I believe i read somewhere that tube amps should never be left on without a load connected. This is consistent with the Beresford design the circuitry of which includes dummy load resistors to prevent a powered on tube amp from seeing an open load.