The Forest for the Trees

I caught myself last night doing something that I need to do more. I was listening to the music. I wasn’t concerned with imaging, sound stage, tonal quality, wasn’t even thinking about it. I was listening to the music. It engaged me, I was lost in it. But then, I caught myself and started thinking about why it engaged me. It sounded awesome because all of the qualities listed above were there. I need to remind myself to enjoy this hobby more for the music than the pursuit of perfection. It feels good when it happens and you don’t even know it is happening.
Frankly all... If everything was so simple, there’d be no need for this forum that @rvpiano and his followers come here to post?

I don’t go to his house and complain.

You are welcome to start your own boring forum.
...or if you really choose to participate, we have many ongoing music threads.

@slaw: "I don’t go to his house and complain."

That brings to mind the best putdown I’ve ever heard. Led Zeppelin were on a U.S. tour in the 70’s, and attended a party in L.A. with their manager Peter Grant. When they arrived they saw Bob Dylan---whom they had yet to meet---across the room. Being as big of fans of his as are all of we, they were too intimidated to approach him. So they sent Grant, known for being an aggressive, brutish, obnoxious a-hole, over to initiate contact. Grant went over to Dylan and said: "Bob, I’m Led Zeppelin’s manager, and". Dylan cut him off, saying "Hey, I don’t come to your house and tell you MY problems."


 I’m not attacking you or your house.There’s nothing wrong with improving one’s system.
 I’ve certainly done it with the help of this forum.
  I’m simply saying that if the search for perfect sound is the ultimate goal, it can get in the way of your enjoyment of music.

1,296 posts
05-01-2020 9:09am

"The problem is, the quest for perfect sound Is so voracious that it devours any enjoyment of music...."

Been there, done that on more than one occasion.