Persona 3fs - Need advice for 2.1 or 3.1 system in bedroom

Hello, need some advice for a system I am building in my 14x19x9 ft bedroom.  I have the persona 3fs (will have them in about 4 months), but deciding on whether I should get the center channel which is huge and costly and which amp to get for the 3fs?  I have narrowed it down to the coda 8 amp V2 - 250 watts, since I like my music loud and movies 70%movies/30%music, or the anthem str?   I have the Marantz 7705 right now for my receiver. I plan on selling my three  outlaw monoblocks which I have now in my old system but should I save one monoblock for the persona middle channnel or get a three channel amp or just stay with the 2 channels or get another middle channel from paradigm?  Also, will the Marantz suffice for both amps (Coda or anthem) and my system?  I have a new svs sb4000 subwoofer, too.  Thanks in advance for the advice.
Thanks everyone!  I am thinking of running them with the coda 8 v2 - 250 watts per channel amplifier over the anthem str, any thoughts with my marantz 7705 receiver that I will be using?  I didn’t want to spend a lot on a preamp or another receiver if I didn’t have to for quality sound.  Also, any advice on cheap but great speaker cables?
Given the quality of the speakers and amp, I think the 7705 will be a significant bottleneck to your overall performance, and especially for music.  I’d either upgrade to an Anthem AV processor or add a good stereo preamp with a HT bypass so the 7705 is completely out of the loop for music. 

In fact, if you decide not to use a center channel, which could very well be a good choice depending on your room setup (as mentioned earlier it might be a great idea to start with just two channel first to see how well that works), you could ditch the processor altogether and just get a good stereo preamp and plug the HDMI directly into the TV.  Sometimes simpler is better.  Best of luck. 
If I get a good preamp it will have a tuner with it and be able to control my tv, set up my DVD player to it, etc?  Which one do you recommend if I get the coda or should I just get the anthem preamp and str?