Subwoofers - Front Firing or Down Firing - Which Sounds Best?

Any advantage to woofer cone facing toward listener as opposed to firing down to the floor? Thinking of upgrading my 20 year old B&W ASW-650 sub to get that oh-so-pleasing belly message which lives in the 20-ish Hz range (very rare I know). SVS has the "tube" subwoofer (PC-2000) at a reasonable price. Just wondering if the floor-firing model would disappoint? Wouldn't want the hassle of returning if it did. Any opinions? Current users? Thanks. 
The sub that is best integrated into the room. Room acoustics, configuration, EQ and placement all matter more than the type of box (sealed vs. ported).

Here are my thoughts:
In my experience down-firing is less likely to excite room nodes.  I assume because they essentially fire in four different directions rather than one.  I would speculate that in a perfect room, front-firing would be best because you could line it up perfectly with the mains and have a perfectly in-phase wave launch.  In practice I imagine down-firing is better in a lot of rooms.  
The gift that keeps on giving-
But I Still Want a Subwoofer! That's fine, get one.
Yes, I actually bother to read such drivel. Otherwise, how you gonna know its drivel? We read him so you don't have to!
Some where I read that the manner in which low bass propagates from a woofer reduces any meaningful differences between bottom firing or front (or rear) firing. I can't recall my source -