Power Conditioners

I have about $5,000 invested in  a 2 channel stereo setup. Marantz PM7000N integrated receiver, Canton Chrono SL596 speakers, Rega P6 table, blue jeans Canare 4S11 cables. Is it worth it to buy a cheap power conditioner/protector like this  https://www.musicdirect.com/power/furman-pst-8-d-digital-power-station or this  https://upscaleaudio.com/collections/power-conditioners/products/pangea-quattro-power-center

Will I be able to hear a difference/is my equipment sensitive enough to notice a difference; or will a typical surge protector suffice? Otherwise, will it be a waste of money to spend money on a low priced conditioner?

I was using a Furman Elite 15i and just did a demo of the Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 UEF SE. it is night and day! The dynamics and holographic imaging are amazing. I’m actually going with a combination of SR power cords/interconnects and speaker cables along with fuses and HFTs. Just amazed at what this company brings to the table. Purchasing through Alfred at HighendElectronics. Super! Super! Seller! Oh yes dedicated circuit is a huge benefit!

I was using a Furman Elite 15i and just did a demo of the Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 UEF SE. it is night and day!

As I’d expect! The SR PowerCell is $2,000 and the Furman is $450. +1 on working with Alfred on SR products. But your example wasn’t a "fair fight"....ha.
Yes I concede. I guess my point was to emphasize how important power is in the mix and I never used to think so but I’m a believer!
I have wondered about the PS Audio Regenerators if anyone has any experience with those. Probably keep the SR stuff though. Alfred has been awesome to work with.
Try the Stellar Power Plant 3 from PS Audio. Give them a call to see if it can power your whole system. They have a good return policy.

Also for a big difference, try acoustic wall treatments from GIK. Call them for suggestions.
With all that I tried, I sent them all back.  Try one, but listen carefully after a few hours to hear the warts instead of the "change"