have you ever bought stereo without listening first

I just placed a down payment for a Belles Virtuoso 200wpc amp. Its not in their website, I believe is a new model just put in production. Following Audio Connection,John Rutan's recommendation and pairing it up with an Audible Illusion M3A preamp and Vandys speakers. I believe its going to be a good combo, but has anyone listen to this amp?
Interesting. In the beginning and for a good 10 to 15 years I was settled in the camp of buying only what you've heard- and preferably at home. I was convinced, especially in the beginning, that a lot of these technical design features really mattered. That specs and measured performance really mattered. Over time, as listening to one thing after another proved that was all wrong, that all went away. There was a time when I would pay attention to all that stuff, even though I knew it doesn't really matter. But reality wore me down. Now I only pay attention to the one thing that matters, how it sounds. I read reviews paying almost no attention to anything other than how it sounds. Now well into a dozen years doing this I have yet to be disappointed in a purchase. 

Don't get me wrong. There are a few technical considerations that do matter. Speaker sensitivity and impedance does need to be within some generally amplifier friendly range or you'll never be able to find an amp. Cartridge output, ditto. Hmmm... I seem to be running out of specs that matter. 

Oh well. Point being, if you were happy with the listener impressions you read for this amp then probably you will be happy. If you relied on anything else I wish you good luck.
I don't think David Belles ever designed a bad component, and he's been working on the Virtuoso for years (it was originally supposed to have rolled out 2 or 3 years ago), so I can't imagine how you could be disappointed.  Because of the delay, there are very few still actually in customers' hands, and hence virtually no third-party feedback.  Keep us posted!
I will post a review once I get it. I am pretty convinced it will match well with my speakers. One piece of news that concerns me is that David Belles is retiring.The Virtuoso line is considered his best work.  I wonder how is this going to affect parts and service?
I'm a bad example...except my first two bookshelf speakers I got at circuit city in my twenties, everything I've bought since has never been auditioned. But I tend to research the heck out of everything. I learned early on not to worry about specs. 
Like sandthemall I didn’t listen to the amp, pre-amp, speakers or turntable before I bought them the past few months.  I relied upon reviews and the comments of people that had purchased the items and heard them in their homes.  When the reviews and comments pretty much agreed that the sound and functioning were pleasing, at that point I made the purchase.

i’m a bit different at this forum because I wasn’t looking to spend very much to get the ultimate sound.  I’m sure that spending thousands more on equipment would bring better sound, but I am satisfied with what I bought after listening to a very pedestrian system for 30 years.  Also, unless I was willing to put considerable money into the source music (e.g., purchasing $50-$100 enhanced def records to play on my $2,000 TT), buying more expensive equipment wouldn’t make as much sense for me.  Not saying that this is how it should be done, but when you know ahead of time the amount you are willing to spend, then that informs your buying choices.  Enjoy your new equipment — it sounds very nice.