What is the best thing for me to upgrade next?

Hi all, slowly working on upgrading my system and could use some advice on where to put my money next!

I only have 1 line level audio source - a streamer and that’s probably how things will stay. I’m not interested in amassing a collection of physical media. All of my music is stored lossless on my NAS.

Here’s where my audio chain started:

Phase 0:
[Source: Sonos Connect] > [DAC: None] > [Amp: Bose Lifestyle] > [Speakers: Bose Acoustimass 3]

I recently replaced my speakers. And I’m now using an amp that I had in storage that I intend to ultimately replace.

Phase 1: (now) [Source: Sonos Connect] > [DAC: None] > [Amp: Harmon Kardon PA2000] > [Speakers: B&W 805D3]

Phase 2: (next)???

So where do you think I’ll get the most bang for my buck once I recuperate from Phase 1 and am ready to buy the next things?

Do I save up to replace my amp next? Thinking something like a McIntosh MC302

Do I put a DAC between my streamer and amp? Thinking something like a Topping D90 or something from Matrix Audio (Element X / X-Sabre Pro, etc.)

Or replace the streamer? Not sure what yet, looking at Aurender, Node 2i, Sonos Port, etc.

What are you thoughts on where I should go next once I recover from the speaker purchase?
Hi, I figured that by offering examples of what I'm looking at, that that would have helped to determine a rough range. To be more explicit given my examples:

Amp: MC302 is about 3.5-4k used, I think

DAC: D90 is around $800, X-Sabre about $2k new

Streamer: $500 (new) -$2.5k (used) depending on which ones

Although, I'm more interested in the abstract - in that general range - what am I better off getting next? DAC, amp, or streamer?
Surprised, no suggestions?

in my uneducated view - I’m thinking that the heavy hitters would probably be DAC or amp, then streamer. 
DAC is probably the least expensive thing on the list which means faster ROI, but - hypothetically speaking - I’m not sure if a better amp would have a bigger impact on the sound (albeit at a higher cost). 
Decisions, decisions!
Well, given where you're coming from in phase 1, I think a super integrated amp that includes a dac and streamer would be a nice next step, just to keep things as simple as possible.  Your speakers a def the nicest thing that you have right now.

As far as options for those all-in-ones, you could look at NAD, PS Audio, Naim, marantz, Hegel, to name just a few.  It's a burgeoning segment so there will surely be more to come soon.

If you don't value the simplicity of an all-in-one, you could perhaps get better sound by getting separate integrated amp and dac/streamer, and of course there are hundreds of combinations at that point.
Thanks Kren

That’s something that I’m still wrestling with - I think an integrated is definitely the easiest way. I was looking at something like a MA7900 which comes with a DA1 dac and leaves the door open to a DA2 upgrade in the future.

Ofcourse, going integrated means more compromise, and I kind of liked the idea of going separate to leave open the option of adding a tube pre-amp in the future possibly. 
My speakers are rated for 50-150W. Does 200W leave enough margin or should I be aiming closer to 300W?