@terry9; "offend" is not the appropriate word choice here. .
I simply felt your post was a bit strong and worthy of comment.
I will never challenge someone's love of their own table no matter how humble it might be.
But when someone claims that their deck is perfect, my ears perk up.
You took pains to claim that with the help of three people you had achieved perfection.
Halcro by the way obviously has far more experience than I do and I have a feeling you quoted him out of context.
I don't claim to have superior knowledge to anyone here.
In fact, I know that I have less than many.
But I do have some opinions that are only worth your 2 sense if you happen to agree with me and I don't mind those that disagree as long as the basis for the disagreement is rational.
This is a topic that particularly interests me and I have some first-hand experience with it.