Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
@spirtofradio and @bdp24 you guys missed numerous greats, but definitely have a great list going!

My instructor is Henrique De Almeida. He just left Berklee as a professor. Brazilian burn. Unreal. Gadd, Colaiuta, Erskine, Morello, Alan Dawson, Bozzio, Wackerman, Hakim, Stanton Moore, Copeland, Carey, Buddy... SO many others in rock, jazz, latin. The list could burn down audiogon. Of course, it goes without saying Peart. Those are some of my big list.

Probably one, if not THE most amazing drummers I have ever seen is Keith Carlock. Relatively unknown as a household named drummer, currently plays primarily with Steely Dan. Look him up. Wow...
@spirit... To answer your question I think it really lies down to style, and of course I forgot Bonzo. Geez, I play in a freakin’ Zepp tribute. How could I forget him? To your question, yes and no. Bands like Zepp, Rush, Tool, etc really are what they are/were because of the musicians as a singular unit. When those musicians get away from that type of super group, it is fairly rare they shine quite as bright. There are exceptions. Zepp is a good example. Rush too. ELP, Tool etc. When looking at a studio/session musician usually they are a bit more rounded and perhaps more versatile overall. I learned this concept studying various music styles. Good musicians can pull off almost anything, but the true "specialists" make their style shine if you get my drift. I think musicality is subjective. Athletic drummers can be found through all styles. In terms of sheer "groove" not many can beat the likes of Bonham, Gadd, Rich, and Hakim. SO many as I said before.

Regarding WR I think some of their best days were with Erskine. Acuña was amazing for sure. I just liked Erskine’s approach and style a bit more.
@geof3, oh yeah. So many good drummers. I will certainly never get around to them all. Thanks for your posts. Some good meat to chew on. One of the things I really like about this thread - ideas about what to listen to and for - on the recommendation from participants who are, let’s just stipulate, serious music listeners and maybe even serious musicians themselves. Cool.