Looking to replace my old Meridian 508.24

In the process of downsizing speakers (going to the Avalon Ascendants from the Thiel 6s) and replacing/upgrading my cd player. My other equipment are the Sonic Frontier Power 3 monoblocks and a conrad johsnson pre-amp.

I currently have an old Meridian 508.24 and am looking for something to replace it is definitely on its last legs.
Quest For Sound is selling an 808 in mint condition. Do a little haggling and get yourself a great player.
ZD542, i loved the Meridian sound (to my ears very "warm" and "musical") so i'm looking for something in the vein if that makes sense.
Thanks Chayro. Who makes the 808? Didn't see one on the Quest For Sound site but maybe i'm missing it.
sorry, was looking on the Quest For Sound site...didn't realize you meant the Meridian 808 on sale here on Audiogon....somehow don't think haggling will get the price to anywhere near the $3,000 or so i am looking to spend...i'm sure it's a great player but out of my range at this point. thanks though for the suggestion.