Oppo BDP-105D just for CDs?

When my nice older Arcam CD player died I did not replace it with comparable equipment since I mostly listen to my CDs ripped anyway. I have a $15 thrift store DVD for rare CD listening. It doesn't sound terrible but I'm sure a quality CD player would sound better. I just haven't wanted to spend money on one.

Now, I have an opportunity to get an Oppo BDP-105D blu-ray player for little or no money. It is currently part of a high end home theater system.

I have no interest in blu-ray or home theater whatsoever.

So what I'm wondering is would the CD playback be high quality from this unit? (I know nothing about Oppo except that I think they are defunct now). It says it will also play SACDs as well. I'm assuming it will sound worlds better than my Toshiba thrift store DVD player so getting the Oppo is not the issue. The issue is that I see these units for sale for around $800 or more used. If the CD playback is high end and without serious compromise then I will just keep the Oppo and use it as a dedicated CD player. But if CD playback is just so-so and all the value is in the blu-ray component of it then I can sell it and for $800 I assume I could get a better dedicated CD/SACD player.

Any thoughts or advice much appreciated.
Another question. Can this unit be used as a streamer? Can it use my home wireless signal (or hardwired to the the router) to play Amazon Music, Tidal, etc. I was assuming it could but not sure.
It'll stream Tidal and Pandora. You can also stream files from your network. You might need to do a firmware upgrade for tidal and you'll need the oppo media control app. 

As gelle said, you really have no downside. Take the 105D if it's still available. I doubt if you will be disappointed, but if you are you won't have any trouble selling it.
Sorry if I was confusing but I have never been concerned with there being a downside. My primary concern was whether the Oppo would be as good a CD player as its value could buy in a dedicated CD player. In other words, if it is worth $600 would I be better off with a $600 dedicated CD player?

That equation changed a little when I realized that it had a high quality DAC that can be used independent of the transport AND now that I understand that it can work as a streamer as well. That means I could ditch my Schiit DAC as well as crappy AppleTV which I have been streaming through.

So the question now is: Would $600-$700 dollars buy a better CD player, a better DAC and a better streaming option than what comes in the Oppo as a package. That seems unlikely and the Oppo is looking ideal.

If it comes my way.