Why is abusive, negative content allowed?

There’s a certain member here, I think we all know who I am talking about, who continues to be little everyone else here with their rude and condescending remarks.  He continually tries to insult and creat strife and division.  It is not healthy for productive conversations or for the site.  
Why will the moderators allow this poison to ruin the site?  They are turning people off from coming here and trying to start positive, useful content.

It’s a cancer that should be removed otherwise it’s going to have detrimental effects on this site.  Is that so hard to understand for the moderators?

Tammy is so incredibly helpful but I don’t understand why this negative behavior is allowed to continue and fester...

I miss the guy who was instructing everyone to sell their Class A, A/B amps because the unstoppable future of Class D would be upon us within months thereby rendering the rest of our archaic technology to junk - stating we'd be lucky to get the price of scrap metal for non-Class D gear.

I'd find the people who are constantly predicting the world is ending more credible if they had a stronger track record ;-)
Kenjit isn’t offensive, just a little crazy. My only issue with most threads is they devolve WAY off topic into silliness. Every forum has “that guy”. Just is what it is...
This an audio/ stereo/ component type based forum. I dislike intensely posters who post for the sake of posting.
There are an enormous number of topics and subjects to be able to contribute to, however we need contributors to stay within the expectations of the users of the forum. I expect the administrators would agree.
I would like contributions to stay within the poster’s topic/ question. There are some that abuse the privilege and unfortunately we cannot exclude them.
Best that we ignore them by simply ignore or bypass their posts.