Power Cable Suggestions

Will be receiving used Mark Levinson No 436 monoblock amps and would appreciate power cord recommendations, preferabley under $500, or stick with the stock power cords.
A BEL 1001! @roberjerman obviously knows good sound when he hears it. I might kill to get a pair of MK.4's.
I don’t understand how a fancy expensive power cord could improve audio quality when they are fed from crappy house electrical wire? You may as well use the same house wire because the A/C quality is going to be the same (unless you use a dubious regenerator).
I tried a Pangea AC9SE with my monoblocks and I heard differences with bass and soundstage. I bought them used on eBay for $113 each. At a fractional cost of the amp, it seemed a worthwhile experiment. Resale would be easy. But it made a difference.
I have to wonder what the hearing capacity or how resolving a playback system is to NOT be able to hear a difference in one's system with superior quality power cords, interconnects and speaker cables???

If we can use fuel hose analogies in here, is there such a thing as color blindness for an audiophile?

[Been indoors too long, wow, did I really type that out loud?]