I remember a home room teacher in high school. Late 1970s. He was also the baseball coach. Great guy. All of us kids liked him. He was always goofing with us and always pushing the limits. He used to ask us if we thought God had a sense of humor. Just asking that question made me uncomfortable, which was what he was after. For whatever reason I thought the question was too irreverent to consider.
Years later I thought about that and thought about how silly I was. If you believe in Christian doctrine then you believe that all good things come from God. Humor is clearly good. Just like everything else it can be used in ways that are not good. But sure, if we are made in his image and humor is good, the I’d say surely God has a sense of humor.
This teacher was one who always told us The Band was the best band of all time. I was into Zeppelin, BTO, Sweet, Alice Cooper, The Who then and had no time or interest in The Band. But again, years later I came to appreciate the genius of The Band.
Years later I thought about that and thought about how silly I was. If you believe in Christian doctrine then you believe that all good things come from God. Humor is clearly good. Just like everything else it can be used in ways that are not good. But sure, if we are made in his image and humor is good, the I’d say surely God has a sense of humor.
This teacher was one who always told us The Band was the best band of all time. I was into Zeppelin, BTO, Sweet, Alice Cooper, The Who then and had no time or interest in The Band. But again, years later I came to appreciate the genius of The Band.