Lamm pre amp

Any pre amps that have remote control and use high quality attenuators that has same tonal richness as the Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe?

I can come up with one like cj ET7se S2. Any other recommendations?
Thanks for all the input! Im not sure if I should bite the bullet and go for the Lamm. Its unanimous that everyone says this is a tonally rich sounding pre. Haha

When I look inside the Lamm preamp I can't figure how they get that tonal richness with those parts. Probably the design I guess.
Kw6, I also had the Microzotl2 and the sound varied widely based on tubes used. I had Tungsol Round Plates and Brimar 6060’s in it (I know overkill) and it was too rich sounding! Good luck with whatever you end up with! 
@erik_squires , brings up a great contender, heard one in a friend of a friend's system and loved it, just could not find one in the used market to live with during my culling process but was on my radar. Please do let us know what you buy and if you decide on the Lamm, get with me as I went thru Lamm directly since there was no dealer in Houston and he referred me to a few dealers to buy from and have it ship directly from him. You would not believe the price they quoted and what I paid. Enjoy the music
As a side note, I seem to always be drawn to the piece of gear with tube rectification. Enjoy the music
Baranyi I was using nos 12bh7 and Shuguang Black glass 6SN7. Great bass fast but not sound I am after with my Pass. I did pair with a Prima Luna tube amp with different speakers and sound was better but in my current set up not happy. Actually I was distraught!😀

System matching I guess.