Dear All
Like many before me I am moving down the multi tonearm route. Amongst the arms and cartridges I have are a Fidelity Research FR 64S and denon DL103. I was thinking about trying out one of the Fidelity research step-up transformers - preferably an FRT 4, or FRT 5 - I hope to get an FR7 cartridge at some point.

I was wondering if someone could:
1. shed light on the hierarchy of the transformers ie was the 4 or 5 the better model
2. would they work well plugged into any MM phono stage
3. what is the general hierarchy of the step-ups
4. Do they work well with modern cartridges - ie my shelter 501, transfiguration temper v, Benz LPS

I am hoping that someone will be able to help me


Has weight of transformers something to do with their quality?
I see that some refer to +10 kg. for Technics but Kondo-san
(Audio note ,Japan) weight about 500 g. i  own Kiseki MCT-2
made by Kondo san for his friend Van den Dungen and identical
with his own weighting only 500 g. I also own Denon AU-S1
(weight 3 kg. ) costing $ 3000 new and about $1000 second hand.
The price of Audio Note transformers would be very curious if the
thesis about weight-versus -quality relationship would be correct.
Dear @lohanimal  :  At the end seems to me that you don't need any SUT.

Look Through 3 TTs I have mounted 10 tonearms/cartridges and I always use it only one phonolinepreamp and at each time that I want to listening another diferent of the mounted LOMC cartridges I only disconnet the tonearm cable and connect the cable of the other cartridge. This task takes me 1 minute to do it.

Now, I use ( time to time ) SUT's because I owned from several years now but normally I listen the LOMC cartridges with out SUT and directly in my active high gain phonolinepreamp that comes with two totally separated duaL MONO FULLY BALANCED MM and MC stages.

Repeat, I don't need a SUT and seems to me that you neither.

@rauliruegas I am also exploring a Manley Skipjack or other switching device. 
I just want to know, in part, why so many swear by SUTs
My other option is a further phono stage with multiple inputs - my big problem is that I do not want a sideways or backwards manoeuvre given that both the phono stages I have are very good already...