Has weight of transformers something to do with their quality?
I see that some refer to +10 kg. for Technics but Kondo-san
(Audio note ,Japan) weight about 500 g. i own Kiseki MCT-2
made by Kondo san for his friend Van den Dungen and identical
with his own weighting only 500 g. I also own Denon AU-S1
(weight 3 kg. ) costing $ 3000 new and about $1000 second hand.
The price of Audio Note transformers would be very curious if the
thesis about weight-versus -quality relationship would be correct.
I see that some refer to +10 kg. for Technics but Kondo-san
(Audio note ,Japan) weight about 500 g. i own Kiseki MCT-2
made by Kondo san for his friend Van den Dungen and identical
with his own weighting only 500 g. I also own Denon AU-S1
(weight 3 kg. ) costing $ 3000 new and about $1000 second hand.
The price of Audio Note transformers would be very curious if the
thesis about weight-versus -quality relationship would be correct.