If you had to start all over again in this day and age

So, with the advent of different technology, sources and platforms these days, if you had to build your home stereo system all over again, what would you purchase to listen to music that brings you satisfaction?

How much of what you have would you keep, change or throw all out and start over again?
Gonna give somewhat counter intuitive answer ;)

Have thoroughly enjoyed building two systems around a pair of freshly serviced Crown PS200 pro audio amps from the ’80s. Two different approaches, one with minimal processing inbound and an investment in good new towers and an REL sub. Went the opposite way on the other, with full 6U rack of modern inbound processing and vintage speakers I already owned from years ago....Cerwin Vega bookshelf units (!) and really warm little 60W Jensen powered sub. Roughly the same investment in both.

The "rat rod" system with only a streaming DAC input and the better newer speakers is the stronger one - wider sound stage and happier at higher volumes. But the processed input system through old speakers is very warm and rich at lower volumes and provides a nice backdrop for hanging out in our 1924 side gable bungalow cottage in the Maryland Mountains.

I enjoy them both. But I’ve learned from this that I am not a totally discerning listener, LOL. So if starting over, I confess to trusting PS Audio a lot from the enjoyable (if somewhat rambling) Ask Paul series. If starting over, I would buy the bottom, Sprout/Elan system and call it a day. Fun question, though!

@aero222  MY BAD!  Clearly misinterpreted your post--glad to hear that the products have improved.  Obviously, I have not had an opportunity to hear their new stuff.  The D-150 was the last big thing I heard from them and it was outstanding...I would buy one today if they were not so old. and unavailable!

As for the newer gear, I recently got an SP-6 preamp--old, yes, but it is new to my system and it is wonderful!  Looking for a used ARC amp, but found out from ARC that many older ones are no longer eligible for service, so I am looking carefully.  Wish I could buy one of the pairs of $17,000 (used) 600's now being advertised around...oh, well, something will show up eventually that is in my price range..

Thanks for straightening me out on this.

...  turntable, CD transport, streamer, top-of-the-line Integrasteds (1 tube, 1 hybrid, 1 SS), Totem Mani ll bookshelfs bi- wired with really solid stands
Its only been a few months for me since I started acquiring higher end equipment, but the only “what if?” feeling I have had was over the purchase of speakers.  I didn’t know when I started that Martin Logan made their name with electrostatic speakers, and I bought their 60XT’s.  Then, some weeks ago I saw a pair of used ML electrostatics for sale at $1500 (less then what I paid for the 60XT’s). I thought that it might have been better if I would have purchased the electrostats instead.  But then I recalled that those speakers need to be positioned out into the room to get the best sound, and space is my biggest limitation.  So, I think I am better off with what I have.

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