Merlin Master Bam Alert

My buddy just received his dual mono dual ops bam.The first one sold.He has VSM MXE's.Thought you would like to see his reaction:"There is an uncanny sense of realism.
I was listening in the dark with my eyes closed.
The sense of being in a concert hall was so great that my brain created a seemingly real visual image of where it thought it was.
After the piece ended I just shut the system down. I did not want to take a chance of diminishing the impact of what I had just experienced.
Quite an accomplishment."
I will be receiving my single ended Master Bam shortly and will report my findings in more detail.
All I know is that if I went all out with Raw foods I'd need a huge bottle of Beano and people would not enjoy my company. Not that they necessarily do now.


Glory, different strokes for different folks. Having been in the health business for nearly 30 years I have seen people wither away and die on raw food diets -- while others did well -- especially for detoxification. I was vegetarian for 20 years. One size does not fit all. A lot of it depends on individual genetic heritage that goes back thousands of years. What worked for your ancestors will usually work for you. For instance, most people do well on vegetarian diets in India where it has been in the genes for thousands of years and their biochemistry is made for it. You can't parachute people from a very different genetic background into a radically different dietary system such as all raw food and expect the same results. You won't get the same results. It just does not work that way in the real world -- no matter how good it sounds in theory, no matter how good it is for karma, no matter how good it is for detoxification. I have had friends die trying to fit into a "new dietary paradigm". Universal law is greater than the strength of humans who are determined to change it. Some people pay a very steep price trying to make the square peg fit into the round hole. Been there, done that. Bobby should listen to everyone -- then make up his own mind what is best for him.
yeah great post Sabai. We are bombarded with health marketing. It can be confusing, even for someone like me who was a dietetics major!